Banker’s Secret Exposed

The Banker’s Secret – What they WON’T tell you.

It’s common knowledge that Bankers have the answer to creating wealth, and prosperity.

Simply………. they work “smart” not “hard”.

I realised I was never going to create wealth using a High Street Bank, with the present interest rates.

So what is the Banker’s Secret?  It’s summed up in one phrase.

“Compounding Interest”….this is the Holy Grail of prosperity.

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” – Albert Einstein

This is where any interest earned, is compounded with the initial sum, and re-invested. Therefore generating “interest on the interest”

Let me give you a simple example of what happens if with $100, I use compounding re-investment;

Month 1; Stake $100 + 10% interest = $110

Month 2;  Capital is now 110 + 10% = 121

Month 3;  Capital is now 121 + 10% = 133

Month 4; 133 + 10% = 146

Month 5; 146 + 10% = 161

Month 6; 161 + 10% = 177

Month 7; 177 + 10% -= 194

Month 8; 194 + 10 % = 214

In just EIGHT months I have DOUBLED my initial stake.

In fact if you continued this process, it’s able to generate a passive ongoing lifetime income!

So now you know why Bankers have so much prosperity.

If it worked for Einstein why not you?